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I played and recorded this game back in July 2020 and completely forgot to upload it! A poetic story about a crow exchanging different items with the people in the city. Rewatching my recording makes me want to play every game the Mojiken Studio has ever made!

I'm in love with this masterpiece <3

Thank you


It's a very interesting piece of art.


nice arts

Beautiful!And very inspirational!

Thank you for this amazing game!
If you want, you can check my full game playthrough here:


I really liked on how the story went on and I didn't expected that tbh, I kinda cried a little bit


This was a really great game. I really liked how it made me think about what the story might be!

Es un juego que he tenido que probar varias veces y me sigue intrigando, la estetica es bella y no puedo dejar de pensar en el significado que pueda tener o simplemente el que yo genero al verlo. Muchas gracias por tan linda obra.

I'm tearing up. It's so beautiful. The music and the art are amazing. Loved this game so much.

this is a very cute and well-made game. Congratulations!

At first I thought that the raven had a pet rock, butat the end I don't think it was. Amazing game, great graphics, a fitting soundtrack and mostly a superb story telling.


A meditation on melancholy. Short, perhaps, but the raven stayed with me for a long time after i finished.

amazing animation, soundtrack, story telling!

Wonderful animation style!

phenomenal soundtrack

Loved making up a story while watching this game unfold. 


I love your artstyle, idea and way of story tailing! I'm so happy it's not a typical VN with manga and static frames. This is interactive comic or film, I like it a lot.

Stunningly beautiful. The dedication that went into this artwork truly shows, and leaves one speechless.

Amazing soundtrack, awesome story, beautiful art.

This game is beautiful. While it is silent other than the song playing, it showed the story through its visuals of the Raven meeting the townspeople and walking into town, carrying his cage. By the end when he received the pinwheel, I thought the game ended until I realized that I have to go backwards to get back home and realized what happened to the people he met on his journey. Thank you for making this game! 


This game is beautiful. While it is silent other than the song playing, it showed the story through its visuals of the Raven meeting the townspeople and walking into town, carrying his cage. By the end when he received the pinwheel, I thought the game ended until I realized that I have to go backwards to get back home and realized what happened to the people he met on his journey. Thank you for making this game! 


Something about the art style of this game made me immediately fall in love with it. Even the story got me hooked and it was just images!

its really amazing, its a fortune to live and play this game :)

its a game and also a comic. really really a great comic though short but this comic release to its fullest. really hoping more game with music, story and art like this

This pleases my eyes and relaxes my soul. I wish every moment of my life has the music here in the background. It's so soothing.

I'm usually a meaning-oriented person but with this game and as an audience, I realize what a good experience it could be to just f e e l.

My problem with listening to songs in general, for example, is that I focus too much on the lyrics' meaning, word choice, etc. so I sometimes crave for instrumentals. But with this, how the story behaves like a silent comic just tells me to experience. The song's an example of those songs whose lyrics unify with the music, too.

Hi mojiken studio, saya developers game dari surabaya indonesia. Kita sesama developers game indonesia seharusnya saling support . Minta tolong mungkin bisa membantu saya dengan follow akun saya lalu beri komentar dan rate game saya. Kalau suka bisa coba game saya atupun donwload game saya. Jika ingin support bantu kami dengan donasi ataupun support dengan bergabung jadi patron kami. Makasih minta bantuannya sesama developers indonesia

Nggak ada bang

Very nice art and music, just a little thing, though... can someone teach me how to reach the fan pack? (I did donate over 3 dollars, but I can't seem to find it?)

hello, sorry for late reply!

Have you tried to click the download button again? You should be able to download the fanpack zip after the donation.
And also we'd like to thank you for your humble donation!

please tell us again if you still have problem with fanpack access


Simple perfection. Well done!

Thank you sire~
appreciated the video!

Don't mind me, just wanna share my experience with you :D
Loved the game (if I even can call it that, for me it's a story) and the music 

thank you for sharing! <3

What a pretty experience <3

Thanks! <3

This game is a beautiful work of art. The music and the artwork go hand in hand in telling a story. I don’t know if it was meant to be metaphorical for anything, but I like the idea of taking this story and working out a moral. It really inspired me. I loved this. Thank you for making this!

Woah, I'm flattered~
Great to know that you are enjoying it and inspired by Sir Raven.

If you's like to discuss more, you can visit our discord channel ~

Thank you!

The art style and the overall aesthetic is cool and amazing :3

Thank you~ I'm flattered~ 

You're welcome :)

Interesting experience..not sure if I got the full story you were trying to tell however

Thank you for playing! 
Don't worry, Everyone got their own story with Sir Raven.

We got discord channel too, feel free to discuss there!


Unfortunately we can't build the linux version of A Raven Monologue yet.
Sorry! ><

Recorded a quick video if you'd like to check it out! Beautiful artwork!

Thanks! Appreciate the playthrough video!

The music's so beautiful, it fits the art style so well and give it the perfect atmosphere<3

Thank you~
The music is provided by Christabel Annora, check her in spotify if you want to hear more!

This game is beautiful! Great work here!

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